Tiffany M. Nyachae: Creating the Evolving Education Project Podcast
The Evolving Education Project website explains our mission, perspectives, and political commitments through generative spaces where conversations and learning around the education of Children/Youth/People/Communities of Color are centered. It houses our podcast, educational consulting opportunities, and ways to connect with us.
Creating through a podcast frees me to be able to just talk. When we have to write papers all the time, it’s just so much pressure to be a particular way in our jobs [as scholars]. I feel like this is more culturally aligned with me because Black people, Indigenous people, people of color come from oral traditions where we are relational, we are communal… We are not engaging in strict and rigid ways. Through this podcast, I feel like I can still be intellectual, but I can have these very natural conversations and free me from having to be perfect or having to know it all. I don’t have to know everything. I can invite people to learn. I’m not an expert of everything that we discuss, but I’m curious about everything that’s discussed on the podcast.

To learn more about the creative process for The Evolving Education Project, check out S2: E30 Behind the Podcast: Processes, Intentions, and the Fabulously Unexpected with Tiffany and Josephine, and other episodes at this link here!

Tiffany M. Nyachae
Tiffany M. Nyachae
Tiffany M. Nyachae (she/her) is a Black woman ascendant of enslaved African peoples in the United States. Her paternal grandparents were born in Bessemer, Alabama and lived there until their migration to Buffalo, New York in the early 1950s. As a Black Feminist pedagogue and a transdisciplinary, community-engaged scholar, Dr. Nyachae’s lived experiences and complicated historical connection to U.S. land foreground her justice work in various contexts, for the purposes of reimagining schools, our world, and overall social transformation. Thus, at the heart of her research agenda is, has been, and will be improving the educational experiences of Students of Color. In fact, she finds her greatest joy in learning with (and from) young people. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Education and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies for the College of Education at the Pennsylvania State University. She is also the creator, host, and producer of the Evolving Education Project Podcast where the educational joys, passions, interests, and inquiries of People of Color are centered. As a researcher, Dr. Nyachae employs critically conscious and humanizing research approaches to qualitative studies guided by various justice-oriented theories of race, Black girlhood, Black woman knowing/being/experiences, space, and becoming. Informed by her experiences as a middle school teacher, Dr. Nyachae’s research portfolio includes: (a) ethnographic and multiple case studies on supporting urban teachers committed to social justice through “race space” critical professional development; (b) design-based research studies of learning, learning environments, and literacy development in social justice literacy workshops for Youth of Color; and (c) content and critical discourse analyses of extracurricular programs and curriculum for Black girls. She is especially grateful for her loving family of Scholars of Color who push her to keep doing this good work. Overall, her manifesting destiny is the result of her mother’s prayers and her father’s dreams.
Nyachae, T.M. (2025). Creating the Evolving Education Project Podcast. Mai Pedagogy Project.
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