These resources feature preliminary findings from a pilot study of how teachers of Color with historicized commitments to Ethnic Studies are experiencing recent California state mandate requiring Ethnic Studies as a public high school graduation requirement, and how they enact critical civic and Ethnic Studies pedagogies across K-12 grade levels and subject content areas.
Pham, J.H. & Ho, E.S. (In Press). Trung’s Ethnic Studies Pedagogy: The Possibilities and Struggles of Teaching Ethnic Studies in K-12 Schools. Ethnic Studies Pedagogies Journal, 3(1).

Esther Sing Yu Ho
Esther Sing Yu Ho
Esther is an LA-based artist/architect/designer/researcher. She is passionate about shaping equitable and dynamic environments. Her work in illustration, comics, and various built objects in public space, communicates real stories that prompt meaningful connections. She is a fan of her amusing cats, way too many house plants, painting for fun, flamin’ hot snacks, and homemade coffee.
“My job feels so unreal at times and I feel like even like-minded colleagues don’t understand me… Seeing counterstories that I can relate to is affirming, empowering, and validating of my experiences“
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