Meet the Artist
Meet the Artist

Grace D. Player

Grace D. Player

Grace D. Player’s work is rooted in her experiences as a mixed-race Asian American woman of Color and a daughter of a Japanese Brazilian migrant woman. She is a literacy scholar, educator, and artist who has a longstanding commitment to collaborating with communities of Color to work toward educational justice. Following a career of classroom teaching and literacy professional development, she pursued her PhD at the University of Pennsylvania where she developed as a community partner, researcher, and educator. Her work takes on a feminist of Color lens and inquires into how Girls and Women of Color mobilize their raced, gendered, and cultural knowledges and ways of knowing to forge sisterhoods that resist injustice and transform worlds. Pushing against constricting and Eurocentric research methods, she pursues work that center relationality, story, art, and aesthetics as ways of making meaning. Her current project, funded by a Spencer Racial Equity Grant, uses radical collaborative curation as a method to inquire into the ways Girls and Femmes of Color harness their multiple literacies toward envisioning and enacting educational justice through the arts.

Research Artivism

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