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We value your input, questions, and collaboration. Feel free to get in touch with us. Whether you have inquiries about our work, wish to explore potential partnerships, or simply want to join the conversation, we’re here to connect. Your voice matters, and we look forward to hearing from you.

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Stay up to date on Mai Pedagogy Project

The name “Mai” carries a deep cultural significance. In Vietnamese, “Hoa mai” represents yellow apricot blossoms, symbolizing renewal, life, and good fortune while banishing evil. Simultaneously, “Mai” means “tomorrow,” signifying endless possible futures. This dual meaning embodies our approach to exploring pedagogies for racial justice and liberation, emphasizing subtlety and delicate softness.

We promote racial justice and liberation through research artivism, bridging the gap between academia and the broader community. We use creative and unconventional forms of knowledge dissemination, making our research accessible. Additionally, we repurpose scholarly articles as pedagogical tools, amplifying BIPOC voices to inspire transformative change.

Our resources are designed for a diverse audience, including educators, teacher educators, organizers, and anyone interested in antiracism and racial justice. We offer insights into the lived experiences and improvisational nature of enacting antiracism in both formal and informal educational spaces.

Mai Pedagogy Project sets itself apart by using multimodality and the arts to communicate complex ideas in creative ways. Our mission is to democratize research, making it more widely available and accessible.

We welcome collaboration and engagement! You can get involved by exploring our resources, subscribing to our email listserv, sharing our work with your community (and your feedback to us about your experience!), and having your own scholarship featured. We are open to partnerships and contributions from individuals and organizations dedicated to racial justice and liberatory education.